the author indexable needs to be upgraded. * * @param int $author_id The author id. * * @return Indexable|false The author indexable if it has been built, `false` if it could not be built. */ protected function maybe_build_author_indexable( $author_id ) { $author_indexable = $this->indexable_repository->find_by_id_and_type( $author_id, 'user', false ); if ( ! $author_indexable || $this->version_manager->indexable_needs_upgrade( $author_indexable ) ) { // Try to build the author. $author_defaults = [ 'object_type' => 'user', 'object_id' => $author_id, ]; $author_indexable = $this->build( $author_indexable, $author_defaults ); } return $author_indexable; } /** * Checks if the indexable type is one that is not supposed to have object ID for. * * @param string $type The type of the indexable. * * @return bool Whether the indexable type is one that is not supposed to have object ID for. */ protected function is_type_with_no_id( $type ) { return \in_array( $type, [ 'home-page', 'date-archive', 'post-type-archive', 'system-page' ], true ); } // phpcs:disable Squiz.Commenting.FunctionCommentThrowTag.Missing -- Exceptions are handled by the catch statement in the method. /** * Rebuilds an Indexable from scratch. * * @param Indexable $indexable The Indexable to (re)build. * @param array|null $defaults The object type of the Indexable. * * @return Indexable|false The resulting Indexable. */ public function build( $indexable, $defaults = null ) { // Backup the previous Indexable, if there was one. $indexable_before = ( $indexable ) ? $this->deep_copy_indexable( $indexable ) : null; // Make sure we have an Indexable to work with. $indexable = $this->ensure_indexable( $indexable, $defaults ); try { if ( $indexable->object_id === 0 ) { throw Not_Built_Exception::invalid_object_id( $indexable->object_id ); } switch ( $indexable->object_type ) { case 'post': $indexable = $this->post_builder->build( $indexable->object_id, $indexable ); // Save indexable, to make sure it can be queried when building related objects like the author indexable and hierarchy. $indexable = $this->indexable_helper->save_indexable( $indexable, $indexable_before ); // For attachments, we have to make sure to patch any potentially previously cleaned up SEO links. if ( \is_a( $indexable, Indexable::class ) && $indexable->object_sub_type === 'attachment' ) { $this->link_builder->patch_seo_links( $indexable ); } // Always rebuild the primary term. $this->primary_term_builder->build( $indexable->object_id ); // Always rebuild the hierarchy; this needs the primary term to run correctly. $this->hierarchy_builder->build( $indexable ); $this->maybe_build_author_indexable( $indexable->author_id ); // The indexable is already saved, so return early. return $indexable; case 'user': $indexable = $this->author_builder->build( $indexable->object_id, $indexable ); break; case 'term': $indexable = $this->term_builder->build( $indexable->object_id, $indexable ); // Save indexable, to make sure it can be queried when building hierarchy. $indexable = $this->indexable_helper->save_indexable( $indexable, $indexable_before ); $this->hierarchy_builder->build( $indexable ); // The indexable is already saved, so return early. return $indexable; case 'home-page': $indexable = $this->home_page_builder->build( $indexable ); break; case 'date-archive': $indexable = $this->date_archive_builder->build( $indexable ); break; case 'post-type-archive': $indexable = $this->post_type_archive_builder->build( $indexable->object_sub_type, $indexable ); break; case 'system-page': $indexable = $this->system_page_builder->build( $indexable->object_sub_type, $indexable ); break; } return $this->indexable_helper->save_indexable( $indexable, $indexable_before ); } catch ( Source_Exception $exception ) { if ( ! $this->is_type_with_no_id( $indexable->object_type ) && ( ! isset( $indexable->object_id ) || \is_null( $indexable->object_id ) ) ) { return false; } /** * The current indexable could not be indexed. Create a placeholder indexable, so we can * skip this indexable in future indexing runs. * * @var Indexable $indexable */ $indexable = $this->ensure_indexable( $indexable, [ 'object_id' => $indexable->object_id, 'object_type' => $indexable->object_type, 'post_status' => 'unindexed', 'version' => 0, ] ); // If we already had an existing indexable, mark it as unindexed. We cannot rely on its validity anymore. $indexable->post_status = 'unindexed'; // Make sure that the indexing process doesn't get stuck in a loop on this broken indexable. $indexable = $this->version_manager->set_latest( $indexable ); return $this->indexable_helper->save_indexable( $indexable, $indexable_before ); } catch ( Not_Built_Exception $exception ) { return false; } } // phpcs:enable }